The 10 Year Itch

The venerable iPod turned ten years old on October 23rd. I remember ordering the original iPod shortly after it was announced back in October 2001. That original 5GB model totally changed the way I listened to music. No more CDs or mix tapes – all my music was finally contained on one portable device.

Sadly, my original iPod is no longer with us. I loaned mine to my sister; she lost it while evacuating Hurricane Katrina a few years back. We still have our 30GB iPod Classic from 2003 and it still works, believe it or not. While the iPod still sells, its not nearly as big of a seller as it used to be, thanks in large part to the built-in music playing functionality of most modern smart phones now.

But, 10 years on – that’s a helluva run for any device, huh?


Inks and colors will happen soon. (Promise!) In the meantime, take a look at my latest poster pre-order sale. Thanks for your support!

These beautiful and intelligent people wrote

  • birdieReply
    October 23, 2011 at 11:22 pm

    I remember getting my first ipod in 2007. I was really ungrateful because I own 500 cds and was happy listening to those when I drive or go anywhere. Once I started downloading podcasts and converting my library to a digital one I started loving the ipod more and more. I can’t leave the house without having mine in my pocket.

  • Kevin RubinReply
    October 24, 2011 at 7:16 pm

    My original iPod is still in my closet in India. I think it still works, too, but my wife scratched it up a bit using it in the car all the time.

    I liked the physical wheel on it. It felt much nicer to me than the next generation with the touch wheels…

    It was a neat toy, but I don’t think it changed how I listen to music. Even today I still have a preference for CDs, though I haven’t gotten a CD player since I got to New York last year, but it’s on my list. Plus I really can’t listen much with headphones or I get headaches, which has gotten worse over the last decade.

    Actually, I’m thinking of starting a vinyl collection, mainly because the full size artwork on them…

  • tmcelmurryReply
    October 25, 2011 at 11:09 am

    I got an iPod for my wife back in Christmas of 2002 and she still has it and uses it constantly to this day. We’ve never had any issues with it and it’s one of those things that my kids’ love to go and find and hook up to the surround sound in the living room and play their playlists from. It’s had more than it’s share of drops and bumps so the nice engraving on the back is now unreadable, yet it keeps going strong.

  • JimReply
    December 20, 2011 at 8:56 pm

    I still have my 1st Gen and it works. I don’t use it any more, though.

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