Aaron James Draplin’s Studio Tour

Aaron James Draplin is one of my favorite graphic designers – no lie. (I don’t know many other designers by name, so that tells you something.)

But it’s not just about Draplin’s work (which is ridiculously good). No. What I like most about Draplin is the unfettered excitement and passion he has for design, where ever it may be. He sniffs out design, whether its imbued on a sticker from 1977 or an esoteric album cover from 1992.

A page from Draplin’s book.

He loves this stuff so much and his passion is down-right infectious. He lives and breathes design.

Always on the hunt for long-lost design elements, Draplin is like an archaeologist: He digs them back up, brings them to light, and shares it with the world with such verve and vigor, that you can’t help but get excited about it too.

Draplin is my people. And I’ve never even met the man. (One day. One day. It’s on my bucket list.)

So, when he invites folks to a virtual studio tour of his digs, I stop whatever I’m doing and watch.


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