[COMIC] Indistinguishable from Tragic
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Savoring the Journey of a Chevy Nova Restoration

I’ve been obsessed with cars since I was a young boy. Since the time I first wielded a Matchbox car, I’ve held a car fantasy of finding and fully restoring …

Tauon: A Worthy Music Player for Linux

There are a lot of opinions regarding what constitutes the “BEST” music player for Linux, so I won’t dare go there. What I will state is that Tauon Music Box fulfills …

Mission Center: Slick-looking Stats for Linux

As a tech enthusiast, I’m always wondering what’s happening behind the scenes on my computer, as I do my day-to-day work. There are numerous methods to check your machine’s usage …

WWDC 2024 Thoughts

Another World Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) Keynote has come to pass, and announced within it were updates to macOS (Sequoia), iOS 18, WatchOS 11, and iPadOS 18. Out of all …

PopOS: More Apps I’m Using

Now that I’ve used pop!_OS (which I will refer to as popOS, henceforth) for a few weeks, I’m ready to  share a few more third party applications that have caught …

Disruption Occurs When Trust is Violated

There must be something in the water for companies to proverbially shoot themselves in the foot, all within the span of a few short weeks. Microsoft kicked things off with …

Aaron James Draplin’s Studio Tour

Aaron James Draplin is one of my favorite graphic designers – no lie. (I don’t know many other designers by name, so that tells you something.) But it’s not just …

My macOS 15 wish list for WWDC 2024: Part II

macOS has been, for the most part, a regular part of my computing life, having used the operating system for the better part of 30+ years. I’ve already shared my …

Linux on a MacBook Pro: Swap Control and Command Keys

As a Mac user, one of the biggest annoyances I’ve encountered while using popOS is the placement of the Control and Command (Super) keys. I’m used to having the left …