PC Weenies Books

Rebootus Maximus: The First PC Weenies book!

The PC Weenies: Rebootus Maximus Rebootus Maximus features nearly 2 years worth of comics (clocking in at 120 full color pages on beautiful, thick paper stock with perfect binding!), bonus (and in some cases, never before seen) artwork, commentary, and much, much more. I’m very proud of this book, as it’s been 10 years in the making!

And now, some obligatory book pics!






The print edition can be purchased from the SivamStudios store, along with other assorted goodies like custom avatar sketches and stickers!

BRAND NEW! PC Weenies: Rebootus Maximus is NOW available as a digital book in PDF!

Due to popular demand, you can now read “Rebootus Maximus” on your favorite digital device, just the way Bob intended. Only $5.00 anywhere in the world! 120 pages, in glorious full-color 1’s and 0’s, for about the price of a latte. Instant gratification at its best!

Buy a digital copy of Rebootus Maximus today!

If you haven’t ordered the book yet, or if you’re looking for a few good reasons to justify your purchase, let me share with you the Top 10 Reasons You Should Buy “The PC Weenies: Rebootus Maximus”!

10. You get two years of hilarious PC Weenies strips AND bonus artwork, commentary, and extra never-before-seen goodies all in one beautiful package. (But you already knew that.)

9. It’s wireless (No Internet connection required.)

8. For a Version 1.0 release, it is completely crash proof and does not require a reboot before using.

7. It does not require accepting an EULA.

6. It’s portable and easily transportable.

5. If you’re giving “Rebootus Maximus” as a gift, you do not need to provide technical support.

4. It does not require a user manual (a sense of humor helps)

3. It’s future-proof.

2. Purchasing version 1.0 provides R-n-D (research and drawing) funding for version 2.0.

1. No assembly (or C++) required!

As always, I thank you for your support. Your generosity makes it easier to convince my wife Aarti that making comics all year (for free) is a worthwhile endeavor.

If you’d like to order more than one copy please e-mail me. I can obtain a flat-rate shipping discount ($14.00) for up to 7 books shipped within the United States.