Potentially Speaking

Having kicked off the cobwebs, I’ve once again dipped my toes back in the webcomics water. No promises on how frequent or consistent updates will be, but at the moment I feel the need to make new comics. Truth be told, since PC WEENIES stopped publishing, I’ve been pumping out tech themed comics for clients on a regular basis for clients – “True Tales from the Tech Bench” for Tau Beta Pi’s quarterly publication “THE BENT” and “The Other World” comic strip for Other World Computing.

As much as I’ve enjoyed making comic strips for others, I’ve missed making my own comics. In many ways, making these new comics felt right – because I felt like I had something to say through them. Though I’ve missed drawing Bob and company, I’ve also enjoyed the extended break from the strip. Time (and response) will tell if this venture is something that merits picking back up again. But for now, it’s once again FUN to draw comics for myself, and as long as that remains true, you can expect to see more comics here from time to time.

If you’re new here, or it’s been a long time, feel free to peruse the archives and catch yourself back up. As always, thanks for reading!


These beautiful and intelligent people wrote

  • MikeGReply
    October 28, 2021 at 11:36 pm

    Welcome back! It was a pleasant surprise to see you pop back up on my RSS feed.

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