Now that’s my kind of public speaking course… Speaking in front of groups is one of those things I hate, even small groups of people I’m close to. Speech class was one of the toughest ones I had in college.
On the other hand, I’m very efficient at it… I once gave a 20 minute presentation in just under 5. No one even had any questions because I’d covered it all…
Kevin Rubin
April 3, 2011 at 9:04 pmNow that’s my kind of public speaking course… Speaking in front of groups is one of those things I hate, even small groups of people I’m close to. Speech class was one of the toughest ones I had in college.
On the other hand, I’m very efficient at it… I once gave a 20 minute presentation in just under 5. No one even had any questions because I’d covered it all…