Meal Time

Visiting San Francisco was every bit as fun and exciting as it was the last few times I’ve travelled there. After a week long stay, we’re finally home. We’re more or less settled in after the trip, doing the usual things (catching up on bills, house stuff, groceries, etc.). I was fully prepared to sit down and pen two new PC Weenies comics for the week, but it was not to be.

My Hackintosh was giving me some trouble this morning – and to make a long story short – I spent nearly 11 hours of my Sunday trying to get it back up and running again. All systems are go now (well, except for audio not working), but it was an ordeal that started off with a loud, rattling case fan from my Thermaltake Core V21 case. A replacement fan has been ordered, but that was only the beginning of my ordeal. Powering up the PC after removing the fan, I noticed I was not able to move past the EFI boot screen to go to the Mac desktop. I had no idea what the problem could have been since the machine worked without issue late Saturday night.

Anyway, after a series of steps involving Googling, making a bootable OS X drive, and playing with kext files – I felt like I’d been mentally and physically beaten down. What’s the lesson in all of this? Hackintosh’s are good when they work – but when they don’t – it’s the most un-Mac like experience ever.

After today’s episode, my next computer will most certainly be a Mac – providing Apple still makes them. (But I digress…)

New PCW comics will resume soon, but not today.


These beautiful and intelligent people wrote

  • Matt StriebyReply
    July 2, 2018 at 11:13 am

    Welcome back and sorry to hear about your Hacktinosh woes. Sounds like Murphy himself was there to greet you.

    Yes, you might be facing a dilemma as one wonders how much longer Apple will continue making stand-alone computers. You could always come over to the dark side. Of course, from my perspective, moving to Apple would be the “dark side” as I sometimes give my daughter some good-natured ribbing for her recent purchases of an iPhone and Mac Book Air (“I thought I raised you better than this!”). All in good fun ;)

    Seriously, though, my brother-in-law built my custom Windows box 4 1/2 years ago and it’s been a reliable performer.

    • KrishnaReply
      July 4, 2018 at 1:02 pm

      Thanks Matt. After much gnashing of the teeth, and more than a few Google visits, I have a working Hackintosh system again. What I would need to make my conversion to Windows would be some strong, robust automation tools. I haven’t found anything like Hazel or Automator on the PC side, which I use so much to get things done. I periodically scan the Windows side hoping for something like Hazel and I haven’t found it yet…

      • Matt StriebyReply
        July 5, 2018 at 12:38 pm

        You’re right about the automation tools. For the Windows side, there’s “File Juggler” and “Drop It,” but reviews I remember seemed to be mixed. Seems they really aren’t the equivalent of Hazel- similar in some ways but not as comprensive. However, a lot of the reviews I saw are getting old- maybe they’ve improved? At any rate, your mention of automation tools for Windows has picqued my interest to see what the current state of these programs are.

Tell me what you think!

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