If you visit the site today, you’ll notice a tweak to the navigation menu / header. It’s smaller in size to place the comic and comic navigation “above the fold”. I hope this little usability tweak will make it even easier to view the comics within the archive, particularly on smaller displays. As always, I welcome your feedback on the changes.
You may have noticed one subtle tweak to the buttons underneath each comic. I’ve added a new voting incentive as a means of spreading the word about the PC Weenies. If the latest comic receives 50 Facebook shares by the end of the day, I will create and post a new PC Weenies wallpaper for everyone to download. Get voting and tell a friend!
Finally, even though I avoid popularity contests (because I’ve never been “popular”), I would like to submit your attention Exhibit A:
The Washington Post is conducting a “Favorite Webcomics of 2011 poll” and are taking open submissions of your favorite strips.
I have to admit, it would be kinda neat to have the PC Weenies on there, but instead of asking for a vote, I’d respectfully ask you to vote for your favorite webcomics, whatever they might be. The Post is also taking direct e-mail submissions at comicriffs@washpost.com.
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