As a child, I was obsessed with drawing cartoons. In those days I would draw pages and pages of sketches featuring the Road Runner and Coyote. From the time I was three until the age of 12, I was a bit fixated on those characters. Although I still very much enjoy drawing cartoons, my approach has changed. I find myself enjoying a broader range of subject matter within my art.
To grow as an artist, it’s important to cultivate an open mind and draw things that are normally outside of one’s comfort zone. That’s why I really like ArtPrompts.
ArtPrompts is a prompt generator for artists, providing new and interesting challenges for artists to tackle. Got “art block”? ArtPrompts can help.
The site is simple and clean and features an intuitive interface. With the click of a button, you can choose from a range of subjects, including characters, creatures, backgrounds, objects and situations. Readers of the site can even contribute their own art prompts to share with the community.
In short, ArtPrompts is the perfect response to the question: “I don’t know what to draw.”
In addition to using ArtPrompts as a self-study and practice tool for my own work, I plan on integrating the site for a few of the illustration and concept design courses I teach. Best of all, there are no rules to using ArtPrompts. Artists of all ages and skill levels can use it as they see fit – and that’s what makes it liberating.
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