A Few Updates

It’s been a very busy start to 2016 for me. As I mentioned earlier, the bulk of my time is spent teaching between two colleges. Due to the increased workload, I’ve shifted down to a “two comics a week” schedule to provide a better work-life balance. So far, it seems to be working.


There have been a few changes on my Patreon feed. Notably, at the $3/month support level, supporters will now also receive layered Photoshop files for my illustration work for study purposes. At the $10/month support level, I’ll be available for a one hour Skype / Twitch mentorship session per month to share digital drawing techniques and provide feedback on your illustration work. At the $20/month support level, you’ll have access to me once a week for mentorship, feedback and critique on your work. At the $2/month level, you can see all the comics I’m making before they’re published on pcweenies.com. If you enjoy what I do here, consider supporting my work. And if you’re supporting my cartooning and illustration efforts already – you have my sincerest thanks!

All funds earned from Patreon goes towards offsetting costs that go into producing content on the site. That includes paying for hosting and the tools I use to make my comics. Patreon funds also help offset certain hardware and software upgrades. In short, your monthly support tells me you want me to keep doing what I do and that it has some value to you.


In other news, as an experiment, I’ve set up a Twitch.TV channel to stream my illustration and comic making progress. Times and dates for upcoming Twitch streams will be announced on my Twitter feed. If you’ve ever been curious about how I draw, now’s your chance to peek over my shoulder and see how I work. My Twitch channel (pcweenies_cartoonist) has an interactive chat feed available so you can ask questions and hang out while I work. Stream times will tentatively occur on Friday and Saturday evenings, with an impromptu session or two during the week.


Have you ordered your Bob Plushie yet? Each Bob Plushie is custom made by plush designer Ellen Ault and includes a hand-drawn illustration from me with each order. Bob makes a great gift for that special techie in your life. If you’ve already received your Bob Plushie, send me a photo of what your Bob has been up to over the past few months and I’ll share it on the site.

How am I doing? Is there any product or software you’d like me to review? Got feedback about the comics? Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading,


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