Corgi Reissues the Classic 1966 Batmobile

As a child, my world revolved around Corgi and Matchbox diecast cars. Both brands were in their prime in the 1970’s, producing quality die cast vehicles (made of metal!) with real moving parts. As a child, I preferred die cast cars that appeared more realistic, which meant I largely ignored Hot Wheels cars during my visits to the department store.


A few Corgi models adorn my desk. On the right is a Corgi “James Bond: DB-5” I won from a Corgi contest.

While vacationing in London last year, I visited a sprawling toy store called Hamleys. This store has five floors, each filled to the brim with toys for both young and young at heart. The fifth floor was dedicated to die-cast cars, and it was there that I came across Corgi cars once more. What struck me immediately was the retro-packaging. Holding the little Corgi box in my hands was a surreal experience; it was like I had traveled back in time to my youth. Needless to say, a few Corgi cars found their way back to my home.

A few more Corgi cars from my collection.

Back in the states, I discovered that the venerable Corgi brand is alive and doing quite well. If you remember collecting or playing with Corgi cars from your youth, you will almost certainly feel that big dose of nostalgia when perusing the website. There’s a sizable number of cars available for sale, and they look and feel exactly as I remember them. The quality is most definitely there. Best of all, a new Corgi car gets reissued nearly every month. If you don’t see your favorite now, there’s a good chance it could be released in the future.


A photo of the box art and die cast Corgi Batmobile, which is available for pre-order. Photo from Corgi’s website.

I have two very special Corgi cars from my youth that I want to have back in my collection. One is the Renault-16TS (maroon) model, and the other is the Corgi Batmobile,  which is a die-cast replica of the George Barris-designed car from the cult classic 1966 Batman TV show.

While I’m still holding out for the eventual release of the Renault 16, the Batmobile is available for pre-order right now. It ships in October 2024, and by all accounts, the vehicle is almost exactly like I remember it. The only notable difference I can spot are the wheels; my original model had silver mag wheels, while the reissue has black and red caps adorned with the Batman logo. This particular model, like the one I remember owning, has the rocket launcher, the front-mounted saw blade, and pint-sized replicas of Batman and Robin. I vaguely remember that my Corgi Batmobile had a “Bat-boat” with boat carrier, but I could be mistaken.

Suffice to say, I pre-ordered one right away. At $50US + shipping, it’s more of an indulgence, but given what the original Corgi Batmobile  car costs in collector circles, it’s a bargain.  And if it lets me wander back in time to my past for a spell, it’ll totally be worth it.







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