My macOS 15 wish list for WWDC 2024: Part II

macOS has been, for the most part, a regular part of my computing life, having used the operating system for the better part of 30+ years. I’ve already shared my thoughts on what I would like to see in the next version of macOS, but I wanted to add a few more wish list items to my list. Let me say, first and foremost, I want Apple to do a better job at fixing their bugs.

  1. Better Menu Bar Management: I’m bringing this one back up again in light of some recent news on Bartender, concerning its developer’s less-than-forthright actions. To be honest, none of the other third party menu bar management tools have a solution that’s worked for me. (Bartender was the closest, but it’s still buggy.)
  2. Auto-hide Widgets: I like having Widgets on my Mac’s desktop. But there are times when I would like to hide them. Apple provides no affordances to do this. Currently, I’m using WidgetToggler. It works great (and it’s free!), but Apple really needs to have this option built-in.
  3. AI Summaries for Long E-mail and Messaging Chains: If you’ve ever stepped away from your desk and come back to a flurry of back-and-forth messages, you probably wish there was a way to neatly summarize the main points of the conversation. This is a natural fit for AI, in my opinion.
  4. A better Clipboard Manager: It’s 2024, and Apple’s clipboard management still feels like it hasn’t changed since 1984. While third party solutions exist, Apple should include one that intelligently surfaces items for copying and pasting.
  5. An AI powered Calendar Manager: When I receive a text message or email concerning a potential calendar appointment, I would like macOS to provide me a view of what’s on my plate and show me potential openings, without having to first open up the Calendar app.
  6. Better organization in the Music app: I want a clear demarkation between *my* music (i.e. music that I have already ripped and organized) and the music that I’m streaming from Apple’s own music store. Right now, it’s a mess.
  7. Smarter Disk Management: If an application is preventing me from ejecting a drive, let me know what that app is and provide me some intelligent next-step options to deal with the issue.
  8. Notification Sync: If I’ve addressed a notification on my iPhone, I want that notification to disappear on all my other Apple devices.


Update: Other notable Mac bloggers have shared their own wish lists (compiled courtesy of Michael Tsai).

If you use macOS, what are some your most requested features?


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