Sciatica and the Artist


Whether it’s through teaching, making comics, or working on client projects, my livelihood necessitates that I spend a significant chunk of time in front of my computer. I’ve made strides in adjusting my workspace to accommodate proper ergonomics. And I exercise regularly. But things haven’t been the same since my auto accident in December. Behind the scenes, I’ve been dealing with debilitating back and sciatic pain.

My sciatic pain starts at the glutes and works its way down to the base of my right knee. Bending my knee in any form or fashion triggers the pain. When I straighten my leg, the pain subsides.

Simple tasks like getting in and out of my car now require more time and effort to minimize the pain. I have to shift my seat close to the steering wheel to keep the shooting pain down to a dull roar. It’s gotten to the point where sitting down for more than 10 minutes is painfully uncomfortable. Some days are better than others. I’ve gotten used to hiding my discomfort. Weekly trips to the chiropractor for adjustments are my new norm.

I’ve spent countless hours researching sciatica. I’ve incorporated stretching into my routine. My lower back pain makes stretching more difficult, but it’s all that I can do to mitigate the constant uncomfortable feeling. I’m considering acupuncture, based on recommendations from others.

So why am I sharing all this?

Because making comics and illustrations now have an added component that I never would have imagined before: pain.

These beautiful and intelligent people wrote

  • qkaReply
    July 3, 2016 at 11:53 pm

    Maybe I’ve mentioned this before, but where do you carry your wallet?

    I used to carry mine in my left hip pocket. I started to develop sciatic pain in that leg. I moved it to my front pocket, and in short order the pain disappeared and has never recurred. Also, if you are in an area where pick pockets are a concern, the front pocket is much more secure.

    • KrishnaReply
      July 5, 2016 at 6:52 am

      I stopped putting my wallet in my back pocket years ago. The problem I’m experiencing seems to somehow be connected to my lower back herniation.

  • SixpackReply
    July 6, 2016 at 7:22 am

    i had this a long time ago. for me it helped taking “pain suppression” pills for two weeks or so – it seems that just having the pain does “crunch” muscles and nerves making it worse. with the pain suppressions it went away after approx 10 days. But BEWARE i am no doctor, just my 5 cents.

    • KrishnaReply
      July 7, 2016 at 8:05 am

      thanks – trying to treat this without any meds if at all possible. I was making good progress until a relapse a few weeks ago.

  • Bob ArrowsmithReply
    July 6, 2016 at 11:42 am

    While I did not have the level of pain you describe, what ended up helping me was to work with a Physiatrist (pain specialist). After careful study, he prescribed physical therapy that ultimately resolved the problem.

    • KrishnaReply
      July 7, 2016 at 8:06 am

      Physical therapy is something I need to look closer into. At this point, it’s having a significant impact on everything I do. Thanks, Bob.

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