Review: The Wedge

It’s spring cleaning at the Sadasivam household. And me, being the relentless organizer that I am, started looking at how my studio set up could be further optimized.

I have an iPhone4, and I like use it to play movies and TV shows while I work. Sometimes I listen to podcasts or stream live radio (NPR) with my iPhone. The trouble is, the iPhone doesn’t really stay standing up for long periods of time – and keeping the iPhone vertically balanced on its own is a bit out of the question. I’ve tried home-brew solutions, but they were kludgy at best. What I needed was a simple, inexpensive desktop stand for my iPhone.

So, earlier this week, I bought this:

The Wedge is a desktop stand for your smartphone. When I received the box, the first thing my wife said was: “Why did you buy a beanbag?”

While the Wedge does resemble a beanbag, it’s specifically designed to support your smartphone.
The Wedge’s outer surface is made of microsuade, giving it a nice soft texture. The stitching is top-notch. The Wedge weighs a mere 2.5 ounces.

The Wedge comes in black, blue, gray, pink, red and yellow colors. You can position your smartphone on it in either landscape or portrait mode. With the Wedge, your smartphone stays at a nice 45 degree angle.

Portrait mode requires that you invert your iPhone if its connected to the charger. My personal preference is keeping the Wedge in landscape mode.

Below are a few extra angles to see how the Wedge would support your device.

All in all, I really like the Wedge. It does what it says it will, and it serves my needs well. It’s priced at $9.95US (+shipping). It’s made in the USA. It’s also a perfect portable movie stand for your smartphone when you travel.

The Wedge earns 5 Bob Weiners.

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