[videos] Internet Explorer: The Browser You Love to Hate

I applaud MS’s sense of humor in the videos below. Bravo!

So… if you’ve used it… what do YOU think of the latest version of IE?


These beautiful and intelligent people wrote

  • Scott HallReply
    November 29, 2012 at 7:22 pm

    those ads are the stupidest things I’ve seen all month

    • KrishnaReply
      November 29, 2012 at 7:35 pm

      Aw, they’re not that bad… I actually like seeing MS poke fun of themselves.

    • Arbit ZindagiReply
      November 29, 2012 at 7:38 pm

      and it’s just not ‘coz I hate IE!

  • Sebastiaan StokReply
    November 30, 2012 at 3:18 am

    The biggest problem with IE is that it is connected to the OS version, got XP your stuck to IE8 (witch is still better then IE6… Oh God the horror…) And don’t forget that lovely testing that requires installing another Windows version (virtually).

    Microsoft actually made a good move for supporting IE10 on Windows 7 as well instead of forcing people to upgrade to Windows 8.

    But unless they get some sane sense about how often people upgrade there OS they will always stay behind on other browsers.

    • Jake EskelReply
      November 30, 2012 at 6:12 am

      @Stok, what isn’t connected to your OS version? Using Mac OS X, we see this too…. Mac 10.4.11, nothing you can try will give you iTunes 10, or Safari 5. There is a slight workaround to help install Java 6, but a slightly bugged version.

      A company almost always supports the old OS, but only the last edition. For example, iTunes 9 was first released for Leopard, but Tiger users also got it.

      They’d upgrade their OS if it were easy, cheap, and not a huge jump.

  • Jake EskelReply
    November 30, 2012 at 6:18 am

    I have just got to say, the first ad was annoying. The second ad was reasonably fun. First off, when someone says something on the internet, only a total fool would NOT point out that HTML 7 8 and 9 don’t actually exist… I get the idea, but I wish the people poking fun were actually competent instead of buffoons. They could have made some points against the sane community, and STILL had the change-of-heart.

  • BjornsReply
    November 30, 2012 at 6:31 am

    The problem I have with these ads is that they don’t mock Microsoft, not IE. In my opinion they mock people who have a problem with IE.

    The characters in the movie are funny, but are depicted to have some mental illness, propagated by the fact they compulsively express their hate for IE (and propagated by a policewoman-cat, LOL).

    I am one of those IE haters. Not because I want to hate IE, but because from a developers perspective, it IS bad.

    My team develops primarily on firefox. Then we test on Chrome and Opera, which almost never results in additional work, as long as we keep the HTML and CSS standards compliant and the JavaScript cross browser compatible.

    Then we attempt to get the thing to look and work right on IE7 and newer, which always costs us at least an additional 10% in hours on a project.

    Jake here mentions that other software, on other platforms is also linked to the OS version and that’s true. The only difference is that it’s usually NOT the browser.
    Firefox, Chrome and Opera all install on just about anything ranging from Windows XP, ancient versions of Max OS X and Linuxes, to the newest beta versions.

    I don’t mind an older version of iTunes or WMP. But browsers have become such a central part of our computing habits and requirements that it’s of vital importance that they can be updated regularly.

    The fact that browsers tend to be the main target of all sorts of attacks only strengthens that requirement.

    • Jake EskelReply
      November 30, 2012 at 10:05 am

      I agree, it is USUALLY not the browser. FF 3.6 upwards doesn’t support my arch or OS (PPC32, Mac OS X 10.4.11 Server), and Chrome doesn’t at all. Safari is linked to the OS, not the arch (Safari 5 runs on a Leopard PPC machine).

      As for IE, my school has IE9 on the computers, and I hate it enough that I broke the student handbook regulations and am running FF Portable from my USB Flash Drive. It is that terrible, even for casual use.

      I wish the haters in the videos knew how to hate, instead of knew how to troll.

  • qkaReply
    December 3, 2012 at 7:56 pm

    IE not available for my OS.

    And that’s a good thing.

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